We are happy to introduce you a new version of MaPS System! These are main features & improvements:
Strategic Evolutions (APIs)
The API is the centerpiece of the version 3.15! From now on, MaPS System provides secure API access to third party softwares or applications. It allows the solution not only to open up to the external infrastructure, but also to become more performant, reactive and flexible.
New Functionalities (Flipbook & Integrated Analytics Plateform)
Flipbook, our module for creating browsable catalogues has got a new look! The “edition” mode was entirely reviewed for a better efficiency and user friendliness. You will find lots of new functionalities, such as the possibility to schedule the publication or simplified online publishing. Filpbook is entierly responsive now and offers more customization features.
Also, the version 3.15 includes analytics management. You can configure and access any type of statistics according to your needs. For example, you may get a global overview about your products popularity, including most visited product pages or the number of clics on the “add to cart “ button.
Or, if you are working with externals (suppliers, resellers, franchises, etc.) you will be able to get insights about their activity across your product database (the number of downloads of product data or documents, visits or openings of product pages, etc.)
Ergonomic Enhancements
A multitude of small details came in to improve the usability of the solution, including different full screen and display options, optimised bulk edition of the product pages and improved filter options. And finaly, a refreshed graphic design for a more comprehensive navigation through the interface.